Visual Studio is full-fledged integrated development environment (IDE), more powerful than VS code developed by Microsoft. Basically it is a code editor which provides comprehensive tools and services for building various types of software, including web applications, desktop applications, mobile apps, cloud-based services, and more. Visual Studio supports multiple programming languages such as C#, C++, Visual Basic, F#, JavaScript, Python, and others. It provides a comprehensive suite of tools for building a wide range of softwares.
Here is a simple method to download Visual Studio
Step 1:Visit the website of Microsoft Visual Studio.
Step 2:Navigate to the download section.
Step 3:Click the download button and specify the edition as it is available in different editions including Community (free), Professional, and Enterprise, with varying levels of features and support.
Step 4: Once the downloading is completed locate the file in your PC and click on it to start set-up.
Click continue and your installer is getting ready.
Step 5: Once the installer is ready it will ask to select the components that you need and it will show you the amount of space required. Click install.
Installation may take a while depending upon number of components you have selected.
Step 6:Once the components are installed you can know launch the visual studio.
Step 7:As you launch it,you will see the window with option of sign in, sign up. You can also skip the process and directly go to project window.
Step 8:Select the theme according to your choice.
The project window is here.
You can know use the visual studio community to run your projects!