Google Maps is a widely used web mapping service developed by Google. It provides users with various features, including mapping, satellite imagery, street views, route planning, real-time traffic conditions, and location-based services. But know google maps is not just limited to location tracking. AI had powered it with many more incredible features. Now it's like ChatGPT for the map.
Exciting AI features of the new Google Maps:
- You can now talk directly to Google Maps and ask for information without having to be called every time. So we can say that it is know a Conversational Map Search.
- AI will use Maps data, including business content, images, ratings and reviews, to deliver results you can trust.
- It can update you about weather conditions and traffic so you don't drive if conditions does not suits you and that is big relief and surely decreases the ratio of road accidents due to bad weather.
- Get Fast AI-powered recommendations anytime, anywhere.
- A new way to preview every step of your journey.
- By using artificial intelligence and advanced image recognition models it will show you nearly matching places that you will be searching for.
- It helps you quickly understand your driving environment by lensing the maps using artificial intelligence and augmented reality .
- You can point your camera at nearby to get information about ATMs, news stations, restaurants etc.
- You can enjoy the Photo results first using it among millions of photos.
So that's the Revised and Modified version of google maps for you. Providing all the locations and entertainments on your fingerprints..